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2320 Ocean Pkwy
Brooklyn, NY 11223
United States


KNOWN FOR OUR EXCELLENCE IN PRICE, QUALITY, AND SERVICE, GARDENIA is committed to the supply of textiles for hotels ALL AROUND THE WORLD! (bathroom linen, bed linen, restaurants, spa, complements…).Gardenia International Corp has an eye for the latest interior decorating trends to fit any taste or preference. We are trained at listening to your needs and creating something you feel good about living in. We transform spaces and reinvent rooms. We work with you every step of the design process to make sure we are creating what you envisioned. We are consistent professionals with a need to please. You will get “perfect 10” results every time.


Gardenia provides a catalog that includes a large scale of suggestions to bring your vision to life. It includes design, quality, and sizes that will suit the atmosphere you are trying to create. Many years and design expertise are devoted to our catalog and it provides the perfect outline to work with. 

With the many years spent building our craft, we can ensure your happiness. We create our product to your qualifications and exceed expectations. Many of our designs were created from scratch to perfectly execute the hotel’s image.